
This page contains the material that has been used within TU/e for the Process Mining course 1BM45 (2007/2008) . As stated in the Study Guide :

“The aim of this course is to teach the students how to use process mining techniques to analyze different aspects of (business) processes in organizations. The hands-on experience comes from the use of the ProM tool to mine (artificially created) event logs.”

The course is organized in 10 sessions of 2 hours each (5 lecturesand 5 instructions ), and it has two main parts: one focusing on the data mining techniques that are commonly used in practice (first 4 sessions) and the other focusing on process mining (last 6 sessions).

The main reason to also let the students experiment with traditional data mining techniques is to get them familiar with the concept of mining in general. Furthermore, since some process mining techniques are based on conventional data mining techniques, the lectures about data mining will provide the background necessary to understand these process mining techniques.

This course has been given by Dr. Ton Weijters and Dr. Ana Karla Alves de Medeiros.
