
XESame is an application that supports in the extraction of an event log from non-event log data sources.

Download and Installation

XESame 1.2 is included in the ProM 6.2 release. The latest public release can always be found at the official ProM 6 release page .

The latest development builds and older releases are available from http://www.win.tue.nl/~jbuijs/files/XESame/ .

XESame can be started by executing the .jar file. Make sure that the lib folder is also placed in the same directory.


The best information source at the moment is the Master thesis of J.C.A.M. (Joos) Buijs. Please note that here XESame is referred to as XESMa (for XES Mapper).

An explanation on how to run the provided examples can be found at the following wiki page .

If you have any questions, please ask them on the ProM forum . If your problem is private you can contact Joos Buijs but it might take longer until you get a reply.