Case study / Transportation
Example organizations using process mining
A few stories

Process Mining for Ana Aeroportos de Portugal
The Change Orders process has the objectives of incident
prevention and timely response to the changing business
needs, ensuring alignment of infrastructure with business
expectations. With process mining, the questions could be
answered: Is there another way to structure the process so
that it becomes leaner? How can we be faster to implement
and improve our performance?

Uber Drives Stellar Customer Service On a Global Scale
Martin Rowlson, the Global Head of Process Excellence for
Uber turned to process mining technology, which is helping
his team drastically improve customer service operations,
and standardize best practices for customers worldwide.

Lufthansa CityLine - Soaring Customer Satisfaction with On-Time Departures
Lufthansa CityLine has set up the PROMOTE (PROcess Mining
for OperaTional Excellence) initiative based on a digital
twin of their organization by Celonis, allowing them to
make measured improvements to increase punctuality for
customers and enhance internal efficiency.